Thursday, June 30, 2011


Well, about two seconds after the last post went up, the GI doc came in to go over Alex's EGD. The ulceration in his duodenum is severe with patchy ulceration throughout the second portion of his duodenum (again, the first part of his small intestines). We had a long conversation about our options, which really just boil down to surgery. Medications along with strict NPO (nothing by mouth) and TPN was our only other option, but the likelihood of the ulcerations sufficiently healing along with the increased infection risk from all the medications (steroids) make for a risky, and therefore not good, second option.

Alex is scheduled for diversion surgery tomorrow morning with Dr. Devine and Dr. Erben. They will be attaching his jejunum (just below his duodenum) to another place on his stomach. This will allow things to bypass the area of inflammation/stenosis all together. While he is in surgery already, they will also attempt "stricturoplasty" on the strictures that Cleveland and Alex's KC GI doctor have been dilating endoscopically. They have been requiring dilation approximately every 6 wks, so this part of the surgery would allow those places in his small bowel to stay open without continual repetitive dilations. Here's the picture the surgeon drew for us regarding the diversion part of the surgery...

So, now to look for the blessings in all of this...Alex's surgeon, Dr. Devine, is an extremely talented surgeon, specializing in these types of surgeries for people with severe inflammatory bowel disease. He is not a man of many words, but he does seem to be very thorough. Our nurse's mother had surgery with him and she said over and over again that he was "the best of the best". The surgeons have very clearly communicated that this surgery is not without major risk. The duodenum is behind the rest of your small bowel, resting just over the spine. It is not "free-floating" like the rest of the small intestine, either. Alex has had multiple abdominal surgeries, so scar tissue and adhesions could make it difficult to get into the abdominal cavity in the first place. The duodenum is also where all of your bile, pancreatic and other "digestive juices" are dumped, so they will have to be very careful not to disturb all of those ducts (another reason they are diverting and not just removing the duodenum). Finally, healing could be difficult due to the immunosuppressive nature of the medications he has been taking for quite some time now.

Alex is overall doing pretty well. He knows this is what is necessary for him to get better and get back to living. I had a great time recalling Wooderson quotes (Dazed and Confused, circa early '90's) with Alex while he was in recovery from a procedure today. Here was his favorite...

"You just gotta keep livin' man...L-I-V-I-N". :) :) :)

Not quite as profound as scripture, but it definitely made him giggle (more than once) today.

Surgeon was just in. Alex will be the second case in the morning. We will transfer to Methodist hospital for the surgery (still Mayo) with surgery starting somewhere are 10am-12. Dr. Devine said it would probably take between 2-3 hours.

Thank you all for your prayers. Specific prayer requests are...
1. Successful surgery with as little intestine involved as possible.
2. Wisdom and guidance for the surgeons.
3. Calm, peace and faith as he goes into surgery tomorrow.


Cindy Trivilino said...

Will continue to pray for you and Alex! Hang in there Gena and thanks so much for posting all the updates. Hugs from Kansas!!

Donita Petersen said...

Praying also for a good night's rest for all of you! Love and hugs from Oklahoma. Mom

:) said...

Praying tomorrow goes smoothly and you are feeling good in no time Alex. Love to you all.

Jean Konshak said...

Good luck tomorrow with your surgery, Alex. Our thoughts and prayers will be with you. Jean & Paul

Lorissa said...

Gena, I've been totally out of the loop, but just saw your post on facebook. Praying for Alex tomorrow.

Marisa said...

All I could think about after reading this post was how Dr. Devine sounded like Dr. Divine to me! :)

I hope the surgery goes well tomorrow morning. I'm keeping you guys in my prayers!

bindy said...

Our prayers are with you Alex. Hugs to you Gena and Lydia.

The Brunins said...

Praying that surgery goes to you all...