There was a whole section of baseball is Alex with KC Monarchs player Satchel Paige...

And here with Cubs player Ernie Banks.
This was a really cool piece of art...Obviously, Alex was much less interested and would not pose for the pic. Little did he know, I caught him in it anyway. Think of him as a reference to scale rather than a true focus of the photographer :). These are little metal letters strung vertically on wire. At first, it just looks like a bunch of letters hanging in front of a large white wall, but when you look closely, each vertical line is an inspirational quotation. Below that is a man made out of the same kind of letters...We don't think those actually spelled anything out, though.
So good to see Alex with a smile on his face! AND sporting the latest in fashionable hospital attire.....Hope you have a great day. Love and prayers, Mom(Donita)
What? No picture of Sammy Sosa? Uncle Mic
It is so good that he is up, out and about. I know that feels good to you both. Thanks for changing the blog so I can reply. Love you all and keep us all in the loop. Prayers aren't stopping!
Penny Crownover
Where's Ryan Sandberg's picture?
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