Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Quick update

We are finished with our marathon of 7 pre-op appointments...yea! We've been here since 9:00 and momma is hungry, so this will be short and sweet.

Everything is set for surgery tomorrow. Alex got a brand new tattoo to mark where his ostomy will be placed, we met with the ostomy nurse, surgeon, internal med, cardiology and surgeon's nurses. All of our millions of questions were answered and we are feeling well informed, but a bit overwhelmed. We arrive for surgery at 10am with surgery scheduled for around noon. The procedures will include removal of diseased part of colon, temporary ostomy placement, removal of any mesh necessary, removal of any small bowel attached to mesh, and replacement of mesh with more biologic material (less likely to become infected). The surgery will last anywhere from 2-8 hours with the goal being as little small bowel loss as possible. Thank you again for all the prayers and we will update more tomorrow. Love to you all!


Abbey said...

You know I am praying for you guys. I love you Alex. I love you Gena. And last but not least I love you Butter Bean.

Anonymous said...

We will say our prayers over and over for you guys! Hugs!

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

just couldn't spelll!!! We are praying for all 3 of you :-)

Anonymous said...

Thinking 'bout you guys. It seems like alot to swallow but you can do it. If there is anything we can do just write or call us.
Uncle Mic & Aunt Beth Anne